It is kind of hard for me to believe I am, but I am and those tests and U/S above do not lie. I am 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant today posting this and my expected due date is October 30th, 2019. Ironically, my birthday is October 3rd , so I'll be 24 when I have him or her and to me it will be the ultimate birthday gift. To answer everyone's questions that honestly a good amount of people asked:
Did you guys planned this?: No this was not planned, in fact, I did not take the pregnancy test until I realized how far out I was on my menstrual cycle and did not think any of it.
Are you guys happy? Cody was a little more excited than I was when we found out, but I was honestly just in complete shock because I simply just did not feel like I was. I was happy because I feel I have always been a family orientated person and I knew I always wanted kids eventually. It wasn't until my first ultrasound when I saw the baby's heartbeat and their little body that made it all so surreal for me.
Are you guys hoping for a boy or girl? Honestly... Boy. BUT we would be happy either way because this is our first child together.
Do you guys plan on getting married now? Ever since Cody and I got together, we always said we wanted to make this right and take things slow for us. Even though, we moved in together a few months after we became official and now I am pregnant with his child. As far as getting married, we don't feel obligated to get married right away because we are having a child. We know we want to be together and eventually get there, but we are focused mainly on this baby right now and providing for our little family.
For an update on how I have been feeling, I honestly feel great, amazing, and a little big. I'm not showing too much , but I am mainly just bloating every time I eat and it stays like that through out the day. I have not really been getting morning sickness, but I have been nauseous numeral times , but have not thrown up. I get headaches like no other though and apart of me feels like I have pregnancy brain already with the amount of times I forget what I need to do or if I am simply out shopping and I forget what I came to buy. I do also get more emotional than usual and more irritable , so Cody tries to back off whenever I get in some kind of mood. Lastly, my food cravings were pretty intense at the beginning of this, I craved hot dogs that I rarely ever eat, Indian food and any spicy foods. But that all changed when I had to changed my diet.